Let $G$ be a (connected) semisimple algebraic group over an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic 0. We consider the adjoint representation $$ {\rm Ad}\colon G\to {\rm GL}({\mathfrak g}),$$ where ${\mathfrak g}={\rm Lie}\ G$. I am looking for a *reference* to a proof of the following assertion: > **Proposition.** *For any* semisimple *element $X\in{\mathfrak g}$, its stabilizer ${\rm Stab}_G(X)\subset G$ with respect to the adjoint representation is connected.* I think that I can prove the proposition; see my proof below. *Proof.* Our semisimple element $X$ is contained in a Cartan subalgebra ${\mathfrak t}$ of ${\mathfrak g}$, which is the Lie algebra of a maximal torus $T$ of $G$. Then ${\mathfrak t}$ is an algebraic subalgebra of ${\mathfrak g}$. Let ${\langle X\rangle_{\rm alg}}\subset {\mathfrak g}$ denote the smallest algebraic subalgebra of ${\mathfrak g}$ containing $X$; then ${\langle X\rangle_{\rm alg}}\subseteq {\mathfrak t}$. It follows that ${\langle X\rangle_{\rm alg}}={\rm Lie}\ S$ for some subtorus $S\subseteq T$. Now (in characteristic 0) we have $${\rm Stab}_G(X)=\bigcap_{Y\in {\langle X\rangle_{\rm alg}}} {\rm Stab}_G(Y)=C_G(S),$$ where $C_G(S)$ denotes the centralizer of the torus $S$ in $G$. By Theorem 22.3 of Humphreys' book "Linear Algebraic Groups", $C_G(S)$ is connected, as required.