Is the following true?
Let $\mathcal N \subset \mathcal M$ be a subfactor. There is a bijective correspondence between the ultraweakly closed subspaces of $\mathcal M$ that are bimodules over $\mathcal N'\cap \mathcal M$, and the ultraweakly closed subspaces of $\mathcal N$.
If the statement is false, is there a simple way to modify it to make it true? I am particularly interested in the case that $\mathcal M$ is of type $\mathrm I$.
If $\mathcal V \subseteq \mathcal N$ is ultraweakly closed, then $\mathcal V (\mathcal N' \cap \mathcal M)$ is a bimodule over $\mathcal N'\cap \mathcal M$. If the subfactor admits a conditional expectation, then this function is injective.
Edit. Steven points out that the statement as written is trivially true by a counting argument. Of course, I'm asking about the function $\mathcal V \mapsto \mathcal V \mathcal (\mathcal N'\cap \mathcal M)$, or something similarly natural. He also notes that irreducible subfactors are a counterexample to the bijectivity of $\mathcal V \mapsto \mathcal V(\mathcal N' \cap\mathcal M )$ in general. This leaves a single concrete question:
Let $\mathcal N \subseteq \mathcal B (\mathcal H)$ be a factor. Is the function $\mathcal V \mapsto \mathcal V \mathcal N'$ a bijection between the ultraweakly closed subspaces of $\mathcal N$ and the ultraweakly closed subspaces of $\mathcal B(\mathcal H)$ that are $\\mathcal N'$ bimodules?