Hermite's theorem indeed generalizes to entire functions but your statement for entire functions is incorrect. $$2\cos2z-\cos z=4\cos^2z-1-\cos z$$ has all zeros real, but the zeros of $2\cos 2z$ and $\cos z$ do not interlace. Substitute the square root if you want zeros to be on a ray. The correct statement: If $f$ and $g$ are real entire functions, and $f-ag$ has only real roots FOR EACH REAL $a$, then zeros of $f$ and $g$ are interlacent. Proof. The first statement is equivalent to saying that $f/g$ has imaginary part of constant sign in the upper half-plane and the opposite sign in the lower half-plane. The family of such functions in normal in each half-plane. So it is enough to prove this for polynomials, and for polynomials it is easy. For the converse to be true, the you need a priori assumptions on your functions, like the assumption that you make that they are of genus 0, with zeros on a ray. For a complete discussion of these questions the reference is Levin, Distribution of zeros of entire functions.