TituRel is a language developed in conjunction with the book Relational Mathematics by Gunther Schmidt from Universität der Bundeswehr München. My problem is that I can't find any info related to downloading this software. Do you know where the TituRel software can be downloaded from? The [home page][1] does not seem to show any download links. Taken directly from the [home page][1]: *TituRel is a software system to work with relations. It offers various tools written in the functional programming language Haskell allowing to* - *input/output relations from/to several forms of delivery* - *formulate relational terms to be applied to such relations in a newly developed multilevel relational reference language* - *analyze relations, decompose, permute, and partition them so as to obtain better information* - *support proofs of relation-algebraic theorems with transformation capabilities and TeX printing* - *switch between point-free form and component form with system support* - *generate programs for the RelView system* [1]: https://titurel.org/TituRel/indexTituRel.html "Home Page"