> **Edit** : I just learned that all weak solutions are $C^\infty$, so [this question][1], by Willie, seems more appropriate than the current one.

I want to find weak, non trivial, **continuous**, solutions of $$\Delta u - \lambda u = 0$$ for a square domain in $\mathbb{R}^N$, $N \ge 2$, under periodic boundary conditions, and under an added constraint that, the weak solutions $u$ should take given values, at a given finite set of points in the interior of the domain. $u(x_i) = d_i$, $x_i$ lie in the interior of the domain, and $d_i$ are reals.

Reference request, if someone already solved it, or partially solved it or any relevant work. I am trying to solve it and I want to know if it makes sense, and  I am not re-inventing, or barking up the wrong tree.

PS : Solving, I mean, having a numerical solution that converges pointwise, to the actual solution.

  [1]: https://mathoverflow.net/q/307363/14414