An [Eulerian][1] subgroup lattice is boolean (see [here][2]), so it is natural to wonder whether it is also true for an interval of finite groups. The smallest non-boolean Eulerian lattice is the following: [![enter image description here][3]][3] It is the face lattice of the square polytope (see [here][4]), let's call this lattice $P_4$. By some tools used in [this paper][5] and the computation of Gordon Royle cited [here][6], we can prove that if $P_4=[H,G]$ as a lattice, then $|G:H| \ge 135$ (and so $|G| \ge 270$, because $H \neq 1$). Moreover, we checked (GAP) that $|G| \ge 512$, and for $G$ simple, $|G| \ge |{\rm PSL}(2,191)|= 3483840$. The existence of a lattice which is not the lattice of an interval of finite groups is an open problem. In the following paper (p72): [Overgroup lattices in finite groups of Lie type containing a parabolic][7] Michael Aschbacher conjectures (after John Shareshian) that a lattice $L$ such that the poset $\overline{L}:=L \setminus \{\hat{0},\hat{1} \}$ is disconnected with connected components the posets $\overline{B}_{n_1}, \dots , \overline{B}_{n_r}$, with $B_{n_i}$ a boolean lattice of rank $n_i \ge3$ (and $r \ge 2$), is not the lattice of an interval of finite groups. But if all the $n_i$ are equal and odd, then $L$ is a non-boolean Eulerian lattice ([here][8] the smallest example). All these evidences lead to wonder: **Question**: Is there a non-boolean Eulerian interval of finite groups? From an eventual positive answer for the relative version of K.S. Brown's problem and dual (i.e. $\sum_{K \in [H,G]} \mu(K,G)|G:K|$ and $\sum_{K \in [H,G]} \mu(H,K)|K:H|$ are nonzero) and the property [here][9], we can deduce the following extension of (dual) Ore's theorem on boolean intervals: *Conjecture*: Let $[H,G]$ be an Eulerian interval of finite groups. Then: - $\exists V$ irr. $\mathbb{C}$-rep. of $G$ such that $G_{(V^H)} = H$ (see [here][10]). - $\exists g \in G$ such that $\langle Hg \rangle = G$ (see [here][11]). This conjecture could help the investigation. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: [9]: [10]: [11]: