I am looking for a list of classifying spaces of groups (discrete and/or topological) along with associated covers; there does not seem to be such cataloging on the web.  Or if not a list, just some further fundamental examples.  For instance, here are the ones I have off the top of my head:

$B\mathbb{Z}_n=L_n^\infty$ with cover $S^\infty$ ($B\mathbb{Z}_2=\mathbb{R}P^\infty$)

$B\mathbb{Z}=S^1$ with cover $\mathbb{R}$

$BS^1=\mathbb{C}P^\infty$ with cover $S^\infty$

$B(F_2)=S^1\vee S^1$ with cover $\mathcal{T}$ (infinite fractal tree)

$BO(n)=BGL_n(\mathbb{R})=G_n(\mathbb{R}^\infty)$ with cover $V_n(\mathbb{R}^\infty)$

$B\mathbb{R}=\lbrace pt.\rbrace$ with cover $\mathbb{R}$

$B\langle a_1,b_1,\ldots,a_g,b_g\;|\;\prod_{i=1}^g[a_i,b_i]\rangle=M_g$ with cover $\mathcal{H}$ (hyperbolic plane tiled by $4g$-sided polygon)

And of course, $B(G_1\times G_2)=BG_1\times BG_2$, so I do not care that much about ''decomposable'' groups.

**The "associated cover" is the [weakly] contractible total space.