**Question:** Are the class numbers of $\mathbb{Q}(\cos(\frac{2\pi}m))$ $O(m^n)$ for some fixed $n$? **Remark:** If such $n$ exists, then $n\geq2$. By the paper [unit groups and class numbers of real cyclic octic fields](https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/0b59/fdd291c7d9c6181fbfbd9e7dbede4767ece5.pdf) by Yuan-Yuan Shen, there exists infinitely many cyclic octic fields with conductor $32b$ and class numbers at least $c(\epsilon)b^{3-\epsilon}$ for every $\epsilon>0$. As every number field extension $E/F$ satisfies $h(F)$ divides $[E:F]h(E)$, the class numbers of such $\mathbb{Q}(\cos(\frac{2\pi}{32b}))$s are at least $c(\epsilon)b^{2-\epsilon}$. A key feature of Yuan-Yuan Shen's octic fields is that they have regulators of size $\log^6(b)$. If such an infinite family of number fields (i.e. real abelian with poly-logarithmic regulators) exists for every fixed degree, the answer for this question will be "no".