Let $E_i\!: y_i^2 = x_i^3 + a_4x_i + a_6$ be two copies ($i = 1$, $2$) of a supersingular elliptic curve over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_{p^2}$, for odd prime $p > 3$. Consider the Kummer surface $K = \mathrm{Kum}(E_1\times E_2)$ in one of the two forms:
$$y^2 = (x_1^3 + a_4x_1 + a_6)(x_2^3 + a_4x_2 + a_6),\quad {\rm where} \quad y = x_1x_2,$$ 
(x_1^3 + a_4x_1 + a_6)(y^\prime)^2 = (x_2^3 + a_4x_2 + a_6),\quad {\rm where} \quad y^\prime = x_2/x_1.
Katsura and Schütt proved in articles "Generalized Kummer surfaces and their unirationality in characteristic p (1987)" and "Zariski K3 surfaces (2017)" that the surface $K$ is a Zariski surface, i.e., there is a purely inseparable covering $\mathbb{A}^2 \to K$ over $\overline{\mathbb{F}_p}$, where $p \not\equiv 1$ (mod $12$). Is it still true over $\mathbb{F}_{p^2}$ at least for some supersingular elliptic curve and some $p$?

A positive answer to this question may have value for cryptography :)