Does the Fano plane mnemonic for octonion multiplication have any deeper meaning? The symmetry group of the Fano plane is PSL(2,7), the second-smallest nonabelian simple group. It is also the smallest Hurwitz group, and the group of automorphisms of the Klein quartic.,7) I guess I'm wondering if Hurwitz' classification of normed division algebras and Hurwitz' theorem on automorphisms of Riemann surfaces are directly related in some way. <> <> EDIT: Apparently the Fano plane mnemonic is originally due to Freudenthal (1951). Unfortunately I don't read German, nor do I have access to Freudnthal's book to scan for the word "Fano". EDIT: John Baez suggests an idea here (from 2001), but I can't find any follow-up discussion.