Call $[A_n,A_n+V_n]$ the segment at time $n$ assuming that $A_n$ is the end of the segment around which it rotates between times $n$ and $n+1$. Thus $A_n$ and $V_n$ are complex numbers, $A_0=1=V_0$, and $V_n$ has modulus $1$ for every $n$. Then (I believe that) for every $n\ge0$, $$
where $(U_n)_{n\ge0}$ is an i.i.d. sequence with a given distribution on the unit circle. 

This shows that $(A_n)_n$ is not a Markov chain in general except for the case you said you were interested in, where the random variables $U_n$ are uniform on the unit circle, that $(A_n,V_n)_n$ is always a Markov chain, and that 
We seem to be back to some known territory here...