In his 1967 paper *A convenient category of topological spaces*, Norman Steenrod introduced the category *CGH* of <b>compactly generated Hausdorff spaces</b> as a good replacement of the catgory *Top* topological spaces, in order to do homotopy theory. The most important defference between *CGH* and *Top* is that in *CGH* there is a functorial homeomorphism $$\mathrm{map}(X,\mathrm{map}(Y,Z))\cong \mathrm{map}(X\times Y,Z),$$ a fact that is only true in *Top* under the extra assumption that $Y$ is locally compact. <hr> But in more recent papers, I see that people use *CG<b>W</b>H* spaces instead of *CGH* spaces... Why?<br> Could someone explain to me what goes wrong in *CGH* spaces (please illustrate with an example),<br> and explain how the *"w"* fixes everything? Also (following Jeff's comment), to whom should the *"w"* be attributed?