It is often said [e.g. Atiyah, "Bordism and Cobordism" (1961)] that the Thom spectrum $MSO(i)$ represents oriented cobordism, in the following sense:
MSO^n(X,Y) &:=& \lim_{i \rightarrow \infty} \langle \Sigma^{i-n}(X/Y), MSO(i) \rangle\\
&=& \lim_{i \rightarrow \infty} \langle X/Y, \Omega^{i-n} MSO(i) \rangle\\ 
&=& \langle X/Y, \Omega^{i-n} MSO(i) \rangle, ~~\text{large}~i,
for finite CW pairs $(X,Y)$. where $\Sigma$ is the reduced suspension, $\Omega$ is the usual loop space functor, and $\langle-, -\rangle$ is the homotopy classes of pointed maps. The direct limit was taken with respect to the maps
\langle \Sigma^{i-n}(X/Y), MSO(i) \rangle \rightarrow \langle \Sigma^{i+1-n}(X/Y), \Sigma MSO(i) \rangle \xrightarrow{f_{i*}} \langle \Sigma^{i+1-n}(X/Y), MSO(i+1) \rangle. ~ (1)
where $f_{i}:\Sigma MSO(i) \rightarrow MSO(i+1)$ is the natural map mentioned in Atiyah.

By the Brown representability theorem, one should be able to represent oriented cobordism in the usual sense that
MSO^n(X,Y) \stackrel{?}{\cong} \langle X/Y, K_n \rangle ~~~ (2)
for some $\Omega$-spectrum $\{K_n\}$. So this is something like moving the direct limit inside $\langle -,- \rangle$.

*My question is: If $K_n$ exists, then what is it? Or is it because the Brown representability theorem hypothesized a generalized cohomology theory on all CW pairs, that there isn't an $\Omega$-spectrum $\{K_n\}$ representing oriented cobordism, which is defined only for finite CW pairs?*

I was able to show that (1) is actually the same, via adjunction, as the maps
\langle X/Y, \Omega^{i-n} MSO(i) \rangle \rightarrow \langle X/Y, \Omega^{i+1-n}\Sigma MSO(i) \rangle \rightarrow \langle X/Y, \Omega^{i+1-n} MSO(i+1) \rangle ~~~ (3)
induced by
MSO(i) \xrightarrow{\eta_{MSO(i)}} \Omega \Sigma MSO(i) \xrightarrow{\Omega(f_i)} \Omega MSO(i+1), ~~~(4)
where $\eta_Y:Y \rightarrow \Omega \Sigma Y$ is the unit of the adjunction $\Sigma \dashv \Omega$. Can we go from here to contruct $K_n$ out of $MSO(i)$?

Sorry for this potentially elementary question.