• *"J. H. C. Whitehead was a rather interesting character. He raised pigs."* <sub> source: <A HREF="http://www.mit.edu/~sanathd/main2.pdf">Algebraic Topology</A> (page 36)</sub> • Professor Michael Atiyah shares some personal recollections on Whitehead and his pigs at <A HREF="https://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/node/903">Oxford Mathematics Interviews.</A> At the 2 minute mark Atiyah mentions the photograph of Whitehead with a pig: *"You wouldn't have thought of him as a mathematician"*. • *Henry Whitehead, whose school of topology attracted scholars from around the world, was a keen pig farmer: **he claimed to derive mathematical inspiration by scratching his pigs’ backs for an hour every afternoon.*** <sub>source: <A HREF="https://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/system/files/legacy/3277/newsletter_0414_0.pdf">Oxford Mathematical Institute Spring Newsletter</A></sub>