The functions
satisfy the following recurrence relation
(taken from the book "The q, t-Catalan Numbers and the Space of Diagonal Harmonics" by J. Haglund, page 14, typo corrected)

We break up our path $P$ according to the “point of first return” to the line y = x. If this occurs at (k, k), then the area of the part of $P$ from (0, 1) to (k − 1, k), when viewed as an element of $\square_{k-1}$, is
$k − 1$ less than the area of this portion of $P$ when viewed as a path in $\square_{n}$.$\qquad\qquad\qquad~~~~~\Box$

The generating function
G(z,q)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty C_n(q)z^n
satisfies the functional equation, which is a direct consequence of $(1)$:
We rewrite it for convenience as 
It is known that the generalized [Rogers-Ramanijan continued fraction](, formula (39),
satisfies the functional equation
Since $G(0,q)=F(0,q)=1$ it is clear from comparing $(2)$ and $(3)$ that 
as required.