If $\varphi, \psi$ are two parameter free formulas in the language of set theory $T$ such that there is a theorem of $T$ that decides on the exact cardinal comparison of the sets they define, i.e. we have: $ (T \vdash|S^{\varphi}|>|S^\psi|)$ or $( T \vdash|S^{\varphi}|=|S^\psi|)$ or $( T \vdash|S^{\varphi}|<|S^\psi|)$, (where $S^{\phi}$ is the set definable after formula $\phi$), then we'd say that formulas $\varphi, \psi$ invoke mutually decidable cardinal comparisons in $T$, I'll denote that by $``|S^{\varphi}|,|S^{\psi}| \text { decided in } T"$ Lets also define a notion of *cardinal subdecidablility* between theories from the same language, of course with respect to cardinal comparison's in them, so Lets say that $$T \text{ cardinally subdecidable to } H \iff \\ \forall \varphi, \psi (|S^{\varphi}|,|S^{\psi}|\text{ decided in } T \to |S^{\varphi}|,|S^{\psi}|\text{ decided in } H) $$ Now we have $\text{ZFC}$ being cardinally subdecidable to $\text{ ZF+ V=L}$ but not the converse, so as far as cardinal decidability is concerned the latter is stronger than the former. >Question: Can there be a theory $T$ that is equi-consistent with $\text{ ZF+ V=L}$ and yet has $\text{ ZF+ V=L} \text{ cardinally subdecidable to } T$?