A (standard, real-valued) Brownian motion $W = \{W(t): t>=0\}$ is commonly defined   by the following properties: 1) $W(0) = 0$ a.s., 2)  the process has independent increments, 3) for all $s,t>=0$ with $s<t$,  the increment $W(t) – W(s)$ is normally distributed with mean zero and variance $t-s$,  and 4) almost surely, the function $t \mapsto W(t)$ is continuous.

As is well known, the above set of conditions can be reduced to 2), 3') for all $t>=0$, $W(t)$ has mean zero and variance $t$, and 4). [Note that, in 3'), $W(t)$ is not assumed to be normally distributed.]  But what about omitting condition 2)? Can you find an example of a process $W$ satisfying conditions 1), 3), and 4), but not 2)? [Note that such $W$ must have (the Brownian motion) covariance $E[W(s)W(t)] = s$, $0<= s<=t$; hence, it cannot be a Gaussian process, for otherwise it would be a Brownian motion.]