This is to give an alternative solution, which works for three general points of the cube and does not involve lumping.

Let $F_{xy}(z)$ be the probability that the random walk started form $z$ visits $x$ before $y$. Let $P$ be the transition matrix of the walk. Then, by conditioning on the first step of the walk, we see that $F_{xy}$ is a solution to the Dirichlet problem $F_{xy}(x)=1,$ $F_{xy}(y)=0$ and 
\sum_w P(z,w)F_{xy}(w)=F_{xy}(z),\quad z\neq x,y.
In fact, it is determined uniquely by these conditions, as the difference of two solutions cannot have a maximum or minimum at $z\neq x,y$. In fact, we can instead solve the following problem: 
\Delta G=\delta_x-\delta_y, 
where $\Delta=I-P$. Indeed, $\sum_w(\Delta H)(w)=0$ for any $H$, thus, $(\Delta F_{xy})(x)=-(\Delta F_{xy})(y)$, i. e., $\Delta F_{xy}=\alpha(\delta_x-\delta_y)$ for some $\alpha\neq 0$. The solution to (1) is uniquely determined up to an additive constant, so, if $G$ is any such solution, then 
So far, this is all true for any reversible Markov chain. To solve (1) for the hypercube, we use that the hypercube is an Abelian group and that $\Delta$ commutes with the group action. Concretely, we use the Fourier-Walsh transform. For the hypercube $Q=\{a=(a_1,\dots,a_n):a_i\in\{0,1\}\}$, we have the orthonormal basis of $L^2(Q)$ indexed by $S\subset\{1,\dots,n\}$ given by 
\xi_S(a)=2^{-\frac{n}{2}}\prod_{j\in S} (-1)^{a_j}.
So, we can decompose $G$ in this basis, $G=\sum_S \hat{G}_S \xi_S$. We compute 
\Delta \xi_S=\left(\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n(1-(-1)^{\mathbf{1}_{i\in S}})\right)\xi_S=\frac{2|S|}{n}\xi_S,
\hat{(\delta_x)}_S=\sum_{a\in Q}\xi_S(a)\delta_x(a)=\xi_S(x).
Therefore, the equation (1) after the Fourier transform becomes 
\Delta G=\sum_S\frac{2|S|}{n} \hat{G}_S\xi_S=\sum_S(\xi_S(x)-\xi_S(y))\xi_S.
So the solution to (1), up to an additive constant, is given by 
G(z)=\sum_{S\neq \emptyset}\frac{n}{2|S|}(\xi_S(x)-\xi_S(y))\xi_S(z).