The following identity is a bit isolated in the arithmetics of natural integers $$3^3+4^3+5^3=6^3.$$ Let $K_6$ be a cube whose side has length $6$. We view it as the union of $216$ elementary unit cubes. We wish to cut it into $N$ connected components, each one being a union of elementary unit cubes, such that these components can be assembled so as to form three cubes of sizes $3,4$ and $5$. Of course, the latter are made simultaneously: a component may not be used in two cubes. There is a solution with $8$ pieces.
What is the minimal number $N$ of pieces in which to cut $K_6$ ?
About connectedness: a piece is connected if it is a union of elementary cubes whose centers are the nodes of a connected graph with arrows parallel to the coordinate axes.