Hello, the standard intuition for Lebesgue spaces $L^p(\mathbb R^n)$ for $p \in \[1,\infty\]$ are measurable functions with certain decay properties at infinity or at the singularities. In particular, a typical $L^p$ function is a function like $|x|^{-\alpha}$ with $\alpha > \frac{n}{p}$ for $p$ < $\infty$, or simply $1$ for $p = \infty$. Furthermore, functions which are almost everywhere absolute-value-dominated by an $L^p$ function are elements of $L^p$, too. This is useful for approximation arguments, as the pointwise error has just to be dominated by an $\epsilon$-multiple of another $L^p$ function. In contrast to that, hardy spaces seem to be less intuitive due to cancelation properties. Hence I wonder: 1. How do "typical" $H^1$ functions look like? 2. In particular, what can you typically "do" with Hardy functions? For example, I guess convolution arguments take a more prominent role in approximation arguments than pertubation arguments do, but I am not sure about that. The hardy space $H^1$ shall be defined via $f \in H^1 $ if $f \in L^1_{loc}$ and $Mf \in L^1$, where $Mf(x) := \sup \limits_{B_r(x_0) \ni x, \phi \in \mathcal L(B_r(x_0))} \int f \phi dx$ $L(B_r(x_0)) = \{ \phi \in C(B_r(x_0)) s.t. |\phi(x)| < \dfrac{\max(r-|x-x_0,|0)}{r|B_r(x_0)|} , Lip(\phi) < \frac{1}{r|B_r(x_0)|} \}$