I am interested in using a result about Newton's method, which basically states that if f is convex on $[a,b]$ and  it holds $f(a)<0$ and $f(b)>0$, then the Newton iteration converges to $x^*\in[a,b]$ with $f(x^*)=0$ for every starting value $x_0\in[a,b]$ with $f(x_0)\geq 0$. 

The proof is not that complicated. Unfortunately, I haven't found this theorem in English literature yet (only in some German <a href="http://www.mia.uni-saarland.de/Teaching/MFI0708/kap52.pdf">lecture notes</a>). Could you recommend me a book or a paper, where this might be found?

Please note: I have also asked this question on <a href="https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/556794/literature-investigating-root-finding-of-convex-functions">math.SE</a> (but without any success).