Suppose $f(t)$ is a continuous-valued, zero-mean stochastic signal with Gaussian autocorrelation (with some standard deviation $\sigma$).  Suppose I then pass this signal through a step function, producing a new $\pm$1 signal $g(t)$ that has value +1 wherever $f(t) \ge 0$, and -1 wherever $f(t) < 0$.  This signal is similar to a random telegraph signal, though perhaps with different statistics.  My question is: does the autocorrelation of $g(t)$ have a simple form?  If it were a random telegraph signal where the switching was described by a Poisson process, then I take it the autocorrelation would decay exponentially with the lag.  But the switches between the two states (+1 and -1) don't seem to be independent here.  Any guidance or references would be helpful.