The group of three dimensional rotations $SO(3)$ is a subgroup of the Special Euclidean Group $SE(3) = \mathbb{R}^3 \rtimes SO(3)$. The manifold of $SO(3)$ is the three dimensional real projective space $RP^3$. Does $RP^3$ cause a separation of space in the manifold of $SE(3)$? (edit) Sorry about lack of clarity. My question should be worded as 'does $SO(3)$ partition any four dimensional subspace of $SE(3)$ into exactly two disjoint pieces?' I am basically interested in understanding whether a generalization of the Jordan curve separation theorem works in such non Euclidean spaces. In particular, I want to know if (non) orientability of $SO(3)$ affects the generalization, especially since it is used to construct $SE(3)$ as a product space with $\mathbb{R}^3$.