This is one of these questions where it's tempting to just leave it at the title, but let me try to define the objects in question. A _conical symplectic resolution_ is a projective resolution of singularities $X \to Y$ such that * $X$ is algebraically symplectic, * $Y$ is affine, and * there are compatible $\mathbb{G}_m$-actions on the two varieties which make $Y$ into a cone and act on the symplectic form with positive weight $n$. Examples include the Springer resolution, a minimal resolution of a rational double point, the Hilbert scheme of points in that space (via the Hilbert-Chow resolution), a hypertoric variety or a Nakajima quiver variety. All of these spaces have something in common: they are [_Mori dream spaces_]( Thus, I am inclined to wonder: > Are all conical symplectic resolutions Mori dream spaces? Or am I just not original enough to come up with counter examples?