The ordinary Topological $K$ theory defined by Atiyah and Hirzebruch is a generalized cohomology theory (see [wikipedia][1]).There is the Bott spectrum associated to this generalized cohomology theory.Using that spectrum,we could surely produce a generalized ***homology*** theory.I call this *Topological* $K$-homology.

While,i noticed that there are "many" $K$-homologies in the literature:

Analytic $K$-homology

Geometric $K$-homology


> Is there a good survey paper on these "various" $K$-homology theories
> and their relationship?

there is a similar question in the equivariant case.Atiyah and Segal gave the definition of equivariant $K$-cohomology theory. 

By constructing a $G$-spectrum,and then taking smash product with $G$ space,then take the stable $G$-homotopy groups,we could define generalized equivariant homology theory,in particular,equivariant $K$ homology(see Carlsson's paper"a survey of equivariant stable homotopy theory" ).

Another equivariant homology theory appeared in the literature is the Bredon type equivariant homology,where we are given a functor from orbit category Or$G$ to abelian groups,using that as "coefficient system",we could produce an "equivariant homology theory".

I guess there are some other equivariant $K$-homologies.say, index theorists usually use the notation $KO^G_i(M)$ for closed $G$-manifold $M$, which is the home of some signature operator classes.

> what's the relationship between these equivariant $K$-homology theories?
>  What's the correct reference for $KO^G_i(M)$ mentioned above?
