No, the composition of two bundle projections needn't be a bundle projection.     
 It is already not true that the composition of two covering maps is a covering map.       
You can find a counterexample in Spanier's classic [*Algebraic Topology*][1], Chapter 2, §2, Example 8, page 69. 

Another counterexample, based (!) on the notorious Hawaiian ring space is given by Jerzac's very  nice,detailed paper [here][2].

However, on the positive side, the composition   $g\circ f :X\to Z$   of the covering maps $f:X\to Y$ and $g:Y\to Z$
*is* a covering map as soon as $Z$ has a universal covering map (that is as soon as $Z$ is connected, locally pathwise connected and semi-locally simply connected).    

