There are various deformations of the Jacobi identity that can be found scattered in the literature. As far as i know, using the definition: $[A,B]_q=AB-qBA$, one of the most general ones (though i do not now if this is "symmetric" enough for your purposes) is the following one:
which is valid for arbitrary values of the parameters $q_1$, $q_2$. See [1]. 

Notice that both identities stated by the OP are compatible with it: 

 - The first one can be recovered for: $q_1=q$, $q_2=1$, 
 - while a particular case (for $k=-m$) of the second one for: $q_1=q^n$, $q_2=q^m$. 

**Edit:** I was thinking that the second identity of the OP might be combined with the 2-parameter deformation given here to construct a further 3-parameter deformation of the Jacobi identity. But i am not sure on its exact form, i 'll try to think a little on it and come back if something interesting comes up. 

**Edit 2:** I was thinking about the OP's last paragraph (asking for something more preety or symmetric). Well, i did some further search and it turns out that we can get some symmetric generalization if we consider a two parameter deformation of the commutator. Using $[A,B]_{(p,q)}=pAB-qBA$ we have the following 3-parameter deformation of the Jacobi identity:
See: [2]. 

[1]. $q$-deformed Jacobi identity, $q$-oscillators and $q$-deformed infinite-dimensional algebras, Chaichian, Kulish, Lukierski, Phys. Let. B, v.237, 3-4, p. 401-406, 1990  
[2]. On q-deformed infinite-dimensional n-algebra
Lu Ding, Xiao-Yu Jia, Ke Wu, Zhao-Wen Yan, Wei-Zhong Zhao,  arXiv:1404.0464v3 \[hep-th\]