Shiing-Shen Chern's <A HREF="">Historical remarks on Gauss-Bonnet</A> seems an authoritative source. The <A HREF="–Bonnet_theorem#For_triangles">formula for triangles</A> goes back to Gauss (1827), Bonnet (1848), and Binet (unpublished). The <A HREF="–Bonnet_theorem#Statement">formulation for compact surfaces</A> was written up later by von Dyck (1888).

Some authors in fact refer to the Gauss-Binet-Bonnet theorem, here's one <A HREF="">example.</A>


Here is the <A HREF="">footnote</A> by Bonnet, in which he credits Binet with the independent derivation.
[![enter image description here][1]][1]

<sub>After having completed this paper, I saw a note by Binet, appended to a paper by Olinde Rodrigues in the "Correspondence of the École Polytechnique". In that note Binet derived Gauss's theorem in a similar way as I did.</sub>
