what is written below is a conjecture that I posed , and I ask for a proof or a disproof of it .I have checked the conjecture from $n$=$1$ up to $n$=$10$ using Matlab, and all results were in agreement with the conjecture . The conjecture is as follows : assume $x$ is a positive real parameter that does not equal $1$ , and assume $y$ and $z$ are non-zero real parameters , and consider for all $i, j \in \mathbb N$, $$a(i,j) = \frac{(x^{yi+z} + 1)^{j-1} + (x^y-1)}{x^y}$$ ; then for all $n \in \mathbb N$ , the solution set of the matrix system $[a(i,j) \mid 1 \leq i \leq n, 1 \leq j \leq (1+n)]$ exists and is unique with respect to $n$ and $x$ and $y$ and $z$ ,and each element in it is a sum of powers of $x$ with integer coefficients , and each of these powers of $x$ has the power as a linear combination of $y$ and $z$ such that the coefficients of $y$ and $z$ are non-negative integers . ---------- ###Example For $n$=$4$, the solution set will be : $s_1=- x^{y+z} - x^{z+2y} - x^{z+3y} - x^{z+4y} - x^{3y+2z} - x^{4y+2z} - 2x^{5y+2z} - x^{6y+2z} - x^{6y+3z} - x^{7y+2z}$ $\qquad- x^{7y+3z} - x^{8y+3z} - x^{9y+3z} - x^{9y+4z} - 1$ $s2$=3$x^{y+z}$ + 3$x^{z+2y}$ + 3$x^{z+3y}$ + 3$x^{z+4y}$ + 2$x^{3y+2z}$ + $\qquad 2x^{4y+2z}$ + 4$x^{5y+2z}$ + 2$x^{6y+2z}$ + $x^{6y+3z}$ + 2$x^{7y+2z}$ + $x^{7y+3z}$ + $x^{8y+3z}$ + $x^{9y+3z}$ + 4 $s3$=- 3$x^{y+z}$ - 3$x^{z+2y}$ - 3$x^{z+3y}$ - 3$x^{z+4y}$ - $x^{3y+2z}$ - $x^{4y+2z}$ - 2$x^{5y+2z}$ - $x^{6y+2z}$ - $x^{7y+2z}$ - 6 $s4$=$x^{y+z}$ + $x^{z+2y}$ + $x^{z+3y}$ + $x^{z+4y}$ + 4 Thank you .