There is a simpler way: say T:V->X
is a map of inner-product vector spaces. You can view V
as a category, where Hom(v,w)
is just a single real number, the inner product <v,w>
, and similarly for X
The adjoint T*:X->V satisfies
, i.e. Hom(Tv,x)=Hom(v,T*x)
, meaning it is a right adjoint to T (in a very strong sense: we have equality of these hom-sets instead of just natural isomorphism).
The triviality of this example reflects the fact that that T and T* are called "adjoint" simply because they belong on opposite sides of a comma :)
In general, if H is any function of two variables, we can say that g is right adjoint to f "with respect to H" if H(f(a),b)=H(a,g(b)), and say that "adjoint functors" are "adjoint with respect to Hom" (up to natural isomorphism, of course).