It is known that F(x) is the generating function of the counting sequence of connected simple graphs with N vertices is given by:

$F(x) = x + x^2 + 2x^3 + 6x^4 + 21x^5 + 112x^6 + 853x^7...$

where the total number of connected graphs of $n$ vertices is obtained by the coefficient corresponding to $x^n$.

**The question here is**: How to find the series (or formula) to get the counting of connected simple graphs with $n$ vertices of maximum degree up to $D$? (generalizing with at least $1$ vertice with maximum degree equal to $D$) 

For example, for $n = 5$ with $D=3$, we have $8$ connected graphs with at least $1$ vertice with maximum degree equal to $3$, and for the same $n$ with for $D=4$, we have $11$ connected graphs with at least $1$ vertice with maximum degree equal to $4$, as shown by the distribution of degrees in the figure below:
[![enter image description here][1]][1]

Follows a table of the count of the first groups of simple graphs according to the number of vertices and the maximum degree:
[![enter image description here][2]][2]
My question in brief is to determine the number of connected graphs with max. degree $D$ for a given number of Nodes $n$?

OBS: Do not get confused! the question does not include Disconnected Graphs, Digraphs, Labeled Graphs, number of cubic or quartic graphs!

Anyone know a solution to this intriguing problem? help me!


F(x) is the generating function of the counting sequence of connected structures, then the corresponding generating function G(x) of the counting sequence of all structures is given by:

$$G(x) = exp \sum_{k>=1} F(x^k)/k = \sum_{i=0} b_i x^k$$

Applying a variant of the Mobius inversion to equation above, it is possible to
express F(x) in terms of G(x):

$$F(x) = exp \sum_{k>=1} [\mu(x)/k]log G(x^k) = \sum_{i=0} a_i x^k$$

Where $\mu$ stands for the Mobius function.

Let $a_n$ be the number of connected graphs on $n$ vertices and $b_n$ the number of all graphs on N vertices. Then:

$F(x) = x + x^2 + 2x^3 + 6x^4 + 21x^5 + 112x^6 + 853x^7 + ...$


$G(x) = 1 + x + 2x^2 + 4x^3 + 11x^4 + 34x^5 + 156x^6 + ...$

I saw this on "Counting Disconnected Structures: Chemical Trees, Fullerenes, I-graphs" on the link:  but I did not understand how I can use it in favor of my problem.

**An observation:**

If $T(n)$ represents the total of connected graphs of $n$ nodes and $D_p(n)$ represents the total of connected sub-graphs group with max. degree $P$, and knowing that $P_{max} = (n-1)$, we can write:
$$ T(n) = D_1(n) + D_2(n) + D_3(n) + ... + D_{n-1}(n)$$

For $n>2$, we know that $D_1(n) = 0$ and $D_2(n) = 2$, so we have to:
$$T(n) = 2 + D_3(n) + ... + D_{n-1}(n)$$

Note also that $D_{n-1}$ can be obtained by the coefficient of $x^{n-1}$ of $G(x)$!

But how to calculate $D_p(n)$?
