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Curly braces around ~
KP Hart
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Yes. If $(X, d)$ is a pseudometric space, then we may may define an equivalence relation $\sim$ on $X$ by $x \sim y$ iff $d(x, y) = 0$. Then $(X/{\sim}, d’)$ with $d’([x], [y]) = d(x, y)$ is a metric space, so there is some isometric embedding $\phi: X/{\sim} \to \ell_\infty(I)$. Now, let $\kappa = \sup_{x \in X} |[x]|$ and pick a vector space $V$ of cardinality at least $\kappa$ (say, $V = \mathbb{K}[\kappa]$). For each equivalence class $[x]$, fix an injection $\psi_{[x]}: [x] \to V$. Now, equip $\ell_\infty(I) \times V$ with the seminorm:

$$p(f, v) = \|f\|_{\ell_\infty(I)}$$

Then $\pi: X \to (\ell_\infty(I) \times V, p)$ defined by,

$$\pi(x) = (\phi([x]), \psi_{[x]}(x))$$

is an isometric embedding. (I don’t see how such a result is in any way interesting or useful though.)

David Gao
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