Let $(X,d)$ be a separable metric space and $A\subseteq X$ be compact. Since every finite set is doubling then, the collection $\mathcal{A}$ of doubling subsets of $A$ cannot be empty. My *initial* question was, how large can the following be $$ \sup_{\tilde{A}\in \mathcal{A}}\,d(A,\tilde{A}) ? $$ However, I have a feeling that the above quantity is $0$ if $A$ is not doubling by the separability of $X$. --- So then, let me refine my question: For any $\tilde{A}\subseteq A$ and any $r>0$ let $N(\tilde{A},r)$ denote the smallest number of balls of radius $r$ required to cover $\tilde{A}$? For any $C,d>0$ how large can the following be: $$ \begin{aligned} \sup_{\tilde{A}\in \mathcal{A}}& \,d(A,\tilde{A})\\ \mbox{s.t.}\, & N(\tilde{A},r) \leq C(|A|/r)^d \mbox{for all $0<r\leq |\tilde{A}|$} \end{aligned} $$ --- *Alternatively, is there a way to quantify how far a metric space is from being doubling?*