Let $U \subset \mathbb{R}^m$ be an open domain. I'm trying to come up with a measure of its degree of reflectional symmetry and I have a question. The post in two-part, where in PART I introduce the definition and some examples, and PART II asks the question. I do believe much better definitions exist in the literature but not remotely being a convex geometer, I've no idea about them, thus resources highly appreciated!
The way I'm thinking about reflectional symmetry of $U$ above is as follows. We define $U$ to have a symmetry of degree $r, 1\le r \le m,$ if there exists
- a point $x_0 \in \mathbb{R}^m,$
- an orthonormal basis $\{e_1\dots e_m\}$ of $\mathbb{R}^m$ and
- a permutation $\sigma:\{1\dots m\}\to \{1\dots m\}$ so that
for every $y\in U-x_0:=\{u-x_0: u\in U\}, y= \sum_{i=1}^{m}y_iu_i \in U-x_0 \iff \sum_{i=1}^{r}-y_{\sigma(i)}u_{\sigma(i)} + \sum_{i=r+1}^{m}y_{\sigma(i)}u_{\sigma(i)} \in U-x_0.$
The intuition behind the above definition is that one needs to translate $U$ by $x_0$ before finding an orthonormal basis with respect to which the co-ordinates $(y_1\dots y_m)$ satisfy (after a permutation $\sigma$) if $(y_1,\dots y_r,y_{r+1} \dots y_m)\in U$ then $(-y_1,\dots -y_r, y_{r+1} \dots y_m),$ and vice versa.
Some examples:
For the interior of the ellipse in the plane $\{(y_1,y_2):(y_1-a_0)^2/a^2 + (y_2-b_0)^2/b^2 \le 1\}, x_0=(a_0,b_0),$ the orthonormal basis is the canonical one. Here $r=2.$
If we rotate the above ellipse, everything else stays the same but the orthonormal basis becomes the corresponding rotation applied to the canonical basis. Here $r=2.$
For the half space $\{w\in \mathbb{R}^m: w^{T}w_0 >0\},r=m-1, x_0=0,$ and the orthonormal basis is $\{e_1\dots e_{m-1},e_m:=w_0/||w_0||\}.$
For the unbounded triangular domain below, it's depicted in the image below, where $e_2$ is the angle bisector.
Note that the point $x_0$ above need not be unique, e.g. take in the half space example, take any $x_0$ that's orthogonal to its boundary. Also the orthogonal basis need not be unique as well: e.g. for the interior of a circle centered at the origin, one can take any orthonormal basis.
With the above preparation, I'd like to know the degree of symmetry of unbounded convex polytopes that are finite intersection of the half spaces given by $\{y\in \mathbb{R}^m:y^T(A-I)v >0\},$ where $A\in G,$ a finite subgroup of $SO(m)$. So for a subgroup $G\subset SO(m), P_G:=\{y\in \mathbb{R}^m:y^T(A-I)v >0 \forall A \in G\}$
I'm taking some toy examples, e.g.
- $m=2, G:={I_m}, r=m=2, x_0=0.$
- $m=2, G:=\mathbb{Z}_k, U$ is the fundamental domain of the action by rotation, containing a point $p$ . Here $r=m=2, x_0=0.$ (the above image applies in this case). Symmetry along $e_1$ but not along $e_2.$
- $m=d, G:=\mathbb{Z}_k, U$ is a fundamental domain of the action by rotation containing a point $p$ . Here $r=d-1, x_0=0.$ The domain is symmetric in the directions perpendicular to $p$ but not along $p.$
But currently I'm not sure how to handle general finite subgroups $G\subset SO(m).$ I feel that if the group $G$ has $k$ generators, then the degree of symmetry $r:=m-k.$ If you know any literature that does something similar and can answer the question for general $G,$ that'd be highly apprciated.