I read about the following puzzle thirty-five years ago or so, and I still do not know the answer.
One gives an integer $n\ge1$ and asks to place the integers $1,2,\ldots,N=\frac{n(n+1)}{2}$ in a triangle according to the following rules. Each integer is used exactly once. There are $n$ integers on the first row, $n-1$ on the second one, ... and finally one in the $n$th row (the last one). The integers of the $j$th row are placed below the middle of intervals of the $(j-1)$th row. Finally, when $a$ and $b$ are neighbours in the $(j-1)$th row, and $c$ lies in $j$-th row, below the middle of $(a,b)$ (I say that $a$ and $b$ dominate $c$), then $c=|b-a|$.
Here is an example, with $n=4$. $$\begin{matrix} 6 & & 10 & & 1 & & 8 \\\\ & 4 & & 9 & & 7 \\\\ & & 5 & & 2 & & \\\\ & & & 3 & & & \end{matrix}$$
Does every know about this ? Is it related to something classical in mathematics ? Maybe eigenvalues of Hermitian matrices and their principal submatrices.
If I remember well, the author claimed that there are solutions for $n=1,2,3,4,5$, but not for $6$, and the existence was an open question when $n\ge7$. Can anyone confirm this ?
Trying to solve this problem, I soon was able to prove the following.
If a solution exists, then among the numbers $1,\ldots,n$, exactly one lies on each line, which is obviously the smallest in the line. In addition, the smallest of a line is a neighbour of the highest, and they dominate the highest of the next line.
The article perhaps appeared in the Revue du Palais de la Découverte.
Edit. Thanks to G. Merson's answer, we know that these objects are called Exact difference triangles in the literature.