A presheaf F with values in C is a called a sheaf if, for every object X and every covering sieve R of X, the natural maps $F(X) \rightarrow F(Y)$ for each Y in R induce an isomorphism $F(X) \xrightarrow{\sim} \varprojlim_{Y \in R} F(Y)$ This definition makes sense without any assumptions on C. The sheafification construction makes use of filtered colimits and essentially arbitrary limits (if you are interested in sheaves on a particular topology then you might be able to restrict the class of limits that need to be considered). The definition is ![F^+(X) = \varinjlim\sb {R} \varprojlim\sb {Y \in R} F(Y)](http://latex.mathoverflow.net/png?F%5E%2B%28X%29%20%3D%20%5Cvarinjlim%5F%7BR%7D%20%5Cvarprojlim%5F%7BY%20%5Cin%20R%7D%20F%28Y%29) where the $\varinjlim$ is taken over covering sieves of X. I don't know what conditions on C are necessary to make the sheafification of a presheaf in C a sheaf, but I wouldn't expect the construction to behave very well unless C is a fairly special category. (Categories of algebraic structures on sets defined by finite inverse limits would qualify as "special", essentially because filtered colimits commute with finite inverse limits.)