Not sure, please check carefully. (Well, now more sure and the argument is more direct.)

I claim that the array $(h)$ majorates the array $(q)$, that is, 
$\sum \varphi (h_{ij})\geqslant \sum \varphi(q_{ij})$ for any convex function $\varphi$,
in particular for $-\log$, that is your inequality. 

Denote the hook lengths of the first (largest) column 
by $0<c_1<c_2<\dots<c_m$. Then the hooks in $i$-th row, which
contains $c_i-i+1$ squares, are all numbers from 1 to $c_i$
except $c_i-c_1$, $c_i-c_2$, $\dots$, $c_i-c_{i-1}$ (this
elementary claim is well-known, it shows the equivalence of Frobenius and the
hook length formulae.) That is, 
A:=\sum \varphi(h_{ij})=\sum_i \bigl(\varphi(1)+\ldots+\varphi(c_i)\bigr)-\sum_{i<j} \varphi(c_j-c_i).
B:=\sum \varphi(q_{ij})=\sum_i \bigl(\varphi(m-i+1)+\ldots+\varphi(c_i+m-2i+1)\bigr).

For $i<j$, we have:
\varphi(j-i)+\varphi(c_j-i+1)\geqslant \varphi(c_j-c_i)+\varphi(c_i+j-2i+1),
since for $c_j=c_i+j-i$ the equality takes place, and the difference of two sides
increases as a function of $c_j\in [c_i+j-i,+\infty)$. 
Summing up these inequalities over all pairs $i<j$ we get the desired inequality $A-B\geqslant 0$.

If $\varphi$ is strictly convex, then all inequalities 
are sharp only for a rectangle.