Recall that if $G\rightarrow S$ is a flat group scheme, then a $G$-torsor is an
$S$-scheme $X\rightarrow S$ with a $G$-action $G\times_SX\rightarrow X$ such that
$G\times_SX\rightarrow X\times_SX$ given by $(g,x)\mapsto (gx,x)$ is an
isomorphism <em>and</em> such that $X\rightarrow S$ is faithfully flat. This
already gets rid of the flat topology but in the current case where
$S=\mathrm{Spec} R$ a local Artinian ring and we also give ourselves an
isomorphism of $G$-schemes $X\times_S\mathrm{k}=G\times_S\mathrm{Spec}k$ then it
is enough that $X\rightarrow S$ is a flat non-empty $G$-scheme as the fact that
$G\times_SX\rightarrow X\times_SX$ is an isomorphism can be checked upon
reduction to $k$.

As then $X$ is affine we are talking about a finite flat (non-zero) $R$-algebra
$T=R[X]$ which is a $R[G]$-comodule which is also a comodule algebra (i.e., the
product $T\bigotimes_RT\rightarrow T$ as well as the unit $R\rightarrow T$
arecomodule maps) together with a comodule algebra isomorphism
$T\bigotimes_Rk\rightarrow k[G]$. If we specialise further to the actual case at
hand, the category of $U({\frak g}\bigotimes_kR)^\ast$-comodules is isomorphic (for
once this is really an isomorphism) as a tensor category to the category of
${\frak g}\bigotimes_kR$-modules (as 4p4-Lie algebra). This gives us a description purely in terms of
${\frak g}\bigotimes_kR$-modules.

Note that there is also a very concrete description of $G$-torsors (for
$G\rightarrow S$ finite flat for simplicity over an affine $S=\mathrm{Spec}R$).
For an $R$-algebra $R'$ we have a tautological map of group schemes
$G(R')\hookrightarrow (R'[G]^\ast)^\times$ (an element $f\in G(R')$ is by
definition an $R'$-homomorphism $R'[G]^\ast$, it is easily seen to land in
$(R'[G]^\ast)^\times$ and is tautologically a group homomorphism). This gives us
an embedding of group flat schemes $G\hookrightarrow (R[G]^\ast)^\times$. This
gives us a (half-)long exact sequence of cohomology sets associated to
$G\hookrightarrow (R[G]^\ast)^\times\rightarrow (R[G]^\ast)^\times/G$. If $R$ is
Artinian all $(R[G]^\ast)^\times$-torsor are trivial as they correspond to
locally free rank $1$-modules over $R[G]^\ast$ (right modules to be specific)
which are all trivial as $R[G]^\ast$ is also Artinian. Hence  $G$-torsors
correspond to sections of $(R[G]^\ast)^\times/G$ modulo the action of the
section of $(R[G]^\ast)^\times$. However, it is in general difficult to get a
concrete description of $(R[G]^\ast)^\times$ and even when you have one the
orbits may be difficult to figure out.