As in the question $K$ is a number field and $E/K$ an elliptic curve.
Let me start by saying that I think the best analogues are the following two short exact sequences (the first two "$/n$" means modulo $n$-th powers): $$ \DeclareMathOperator{\Sel}{Sel} 0\to \mathcal{O}_K^{\times}/n \to \Bigl\{x\in K^{\times}/n \Bigm\vert \forall_v\, v(x)\equiv 0 \pmod{n}\Bigr\}\to \operatorname{Cl}(K)[n] \to 0 \\ 0\to E(K)/n E(K) \to \Sel_n(E/K) \to Ш(E/K)[n] \to 0 $$ where $n>1$ is any integer. This explains while the top middle set is called a Selmer group for $K$. One could view the following as a possibility to fill the two spaces in your sequence: $$ 0\to E(K)_{\text{tors}} \to E(K) \to E(K)\otimes \mathbb{Q} \to \operatorname{Sel}(E/K) \to Ш(E/K) \to 0 $$ where $\operatorname{Sel}(E/K)$ is the $\varinjlim_n$ of the Selmer groups $\operatorname{Sel}_n(E/K)$.
However there is another option. Let $S$ be a finite set of places containing all infinite places, all places dividing $n$ and all places of bad reduction for $E$. Write as usual $G_S(K)$ for the Galois group of the maximal extension of $K$ that is unramified outside $S$. The long exact sequence from global duality, in this case a theorem by Cassels, states $$ 0\to \Sel_n(E/K) \to H^1\bigl(G_S(K),E[n]\bigr) \to \bigoplus_{v\in S} \Bigl( E(K_v)/nE(K_v)\Bigr)^{\vee} \to \Sel_n(E/K)^{\vee} $$ where ${}^{\vee}$ is the Pontryagin dual. The local term is often written as $H^1_s\bigl(K_v, E[n]\bigr)$. Now assume that $Ш(E/K)$ is finite. Then the projective limit over $n$ gives $$ 0\to E(K)^{\ast} \to H^1\bigl(K, \varprojlim E[n] \bigr) \to \bigoplus_{\text{all } v} \Bigl( E(K_v)\otimes \mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}\Bigr)^{\vee} \to \Sel(E/K)^{\vee} $$ where $E(K)^{\ast} = \varprojlim_n E(K)/nE(K)$ is the profinite completion of $E(K)$. Apart from the completion, this does not look like what you want because we have all of $\Sel(E/K)^{\vee}$ at the end and not just its finite torsion subgroup $Ш(E/K)^{\vee} \cong Ш(E/K)$. The good thing is that it is of the form, Mordell-Weil followed by global followed by sum of locals followed by something involving $Ш$.
An alternative is to switch local and global. Remark 6.14b after Theorem 6.13 in Milne's Arithmetic Duality Theorems gives the following exact sequence, still assuming that $Ш(E/K)$ is finite: $$ 0\to E(K)^{\ast}\to \prod_{\text{all }v} E(K_v)\to H^1\bigl(K, E\bigr)^{\vee} \to Ш(E/K)\to 0$$ where for the archimedean places $v$ one needs to replace $E(K_v)$ by its quotient with the connected component of $E(K_v)$. (I must admit I never fully worked through its proof, though.)
None of these are unique and, right now, I cannot see a good analogue of the initial sequence involving the group of fractional ideals. Maybe viewing $Ш$ as the Brauer group of the Néron model would help...