This question is related to <a href="">my earlier, even more open-ended question</a> on tropilcalization.  I will give some background and ask my question at the end.

On **R**, consider the family of commutative, associative operations &oplus;<sub><i>h</i></sub>, indexed by positive _h_, given by <i>x</i> &oplus;<sub><i>h</i></sub> <i>y</i> = -_h_ ln( exp(-<i>x</i>/<i>h</i>) + exp(-<i>y</i>/<i>h</i>) ).  For _h_&gt;0, the semigroup (**R**,&oplus;<sub><i>h</i></sub>) is isomorphic to the normal additive groupsemi (**R**<sub>&gt;0</sub>,+).  But as _h_ &rarr; 0, for fixed _x_ and _y_ we have the limit <i>x</i> &oplus;<sub><i>h</i></sub> <i>y</i> &rarr; min(<i>x</i>,<i>y</i>).  This defines the <i>tropical addition</i>, and it's conventional to include the additive unit &infin; = -<i>h</i> ln(0).

There is a continuous/integral version of the observation that in the limit, + (in the guise &oplus;<sub><i>h</i></sub>) becomes max.  Indeed, let _f_ : **R**<sup><i>n</i></sup> &rarr; **R** be a continuous function bounded below, and assume that _f_ grows to +&infin; in all directions, fast enough so that for any _h_&gt;0, the integral &int;<sub><b>R</b><sup><i>n</i></sup></sub> exp(-<i>f</i>(<i>x</i>)/<i>h</i>) <i>dx</i> converges (or anyway for _h_ small enough; if it converges for any _h_ then it does for all smaller _h_, and to converge for small _h_ requires only very mild growth rates; as |<i>x</i>|<sup>&epsilon;</sup> for &epsilon;>0 is certainly good enough).  Then asymptotically as _h_ &rarr; 0, the integral is supported at the (or, rather, in a formal neighborhood of the) globally-minimal values of _f_.  To make the correspondence explicit, note that &int;<sub><b>R</b><sup><i>n</i></sup></sub> exp(-<i>f</i>(<i>x</i>)/<i>h</i>) <i>dx</i> is (exp of -<i>h</i><sup>-1</sup> times) the "&oplus;<sub><i>h</i></sub> integral" of _f_, whereas the "&oplus;<sub>0</sub> integral" of a function is its global minimum value.

There is another fact about asymptotic integrals, related by "Wick rotation", which is what the physicists call it any time you switch a variable from pure-real to pure-imaginary.  As above, let  _f_ : **R**<sup><i>n</i></sup> &rarr; **R** continuous and growing reasonably quickly to infinity, but this time for real non-zero _h_ consider the integral &int;<sub><b>R</b><sup><i>n</i></sup></sub> exp(-<i>f</i>(<i>x</i>)/(<i>ih</i>)) <i>dx</i>, where _i_ = &radic;-1.  The integral never converges absolutely (and so does not exist in the sense of Lebesgue), but it converges conditionally as a Riemann integral, e.g. if _f_ is differentiable and given mild conditions on the growth of the norm of the derivative.  (If _f_ grows at least as fast as |<i>x</i>|<sup>1+&epsilon;</sup>, we're fine, I think.)  In any case, let's assume that the integral converges conditionally for small enough (real, non-zero) _h_.  Then the method of stationary phase shows that asymptotically, the integral is supported at (formal neighborhoods of) critical points of _f_.

My question is this:  Is there a version of "tropical arithmetic" like the operation &oplus;<sub><i>h</i></sub> defined above but related to the Wick-rotated integral?  The most naive approach, replacing _h_ by _ih_ and so considering _x_ &oplus;<sub><i>ih</i></sub> _y_ = -_ih_ ln( exp(-<i>x</i>/<i>ih</i>) + exp(-<i>y</i>/<i>ih</i>) ), is not defined because of the problem of picking a branch of the logarithm.  But perhaps this problem can be fixed for small _h_, or by approximating each pure-imaginary <i>ih</i> by <i>ih</i>+&epsilon; for some very small positive &epsilon;?  Put another way: what is the operation on numbers that corresponds to {critical points} in the same way that min(<i>x</i>,<i>y</i>) corresponds to {global minimum}?