Let $p$ be prime and $g,n$ integers. Define $a(n)=(g^n \mod p)^{p-1} \mod p^2$ Some properties of $a(n)$: 1. $a(n)$ is periodic with period divisor of $p-1$. 2. The multiplicative order of $a(n)$ modulo $p^2$ is $p$. 3. Let $D(n)$ be the discrete logarithm of $a(n)$, i.e. given $p,g,a(n)$ we have $g^{D(n)} \mod p^2=a(n)$. We can efficiently compute $D(n)=k(p-1)$ via p-adic logarithms. 4. Let $g=2$. Experimentally with high probability we have $D(n) \mod p=D(n+1)+1 \mod p$. >Q1 Are there other functional relations between $g,n,a(n),D(n)$? >Q2 For $g=2$, when do we have $D(n) \mod p=D(n+1)+1 \mod p$? >Q3 What is the intuition for efficiently computing $D(n)$ for period divisor of $p-1$? sagemath code follows, one can run it in a browser: def seqanp2(p,g,n): """ a(n)=(g^n mod p)^(p-1) mod p^2 """ try: g=lift(g) except: pass r1=lift((Integers(p)(g))**n) K2=Integers(p**2) res=K2(r1)**((p-1)) return res def solveseqan(p,g,a): """ g^res =a(n) mod p^2 """ try: g=lift(g) except: pass try: a=lift(a) except: pass K=Qp(p,2) t=lift(K(a).log()/K(g).log() ) res=(p-1)*(p-t%p) return res set_random_seed(1) p=next_prime(10**20); K2=Integers(p**2); g=K2(2) n0=randint(2,p-2) r1=seqanp2(p,g,n0);r2=seqanp2(p,g,n0+1); s1=solveseqan(p,g,r1);s2=solveseqan(p,g,r2) print(g**s1==r1,g**s2==r2,seqanp2(p,g,n0)==seqanp2(p,g,n0+p-1)) #True True True