I have tracked down some results on explicit classifications of simple modules for $u_q(\mathfrak{sl}_3)$. The general picture is that the simple modules are bigraded by the root lattice and look like towers of concentric hexagons. For the benefit of anyone else interested, there is a long series of papers by [Dobrev][1]: Multiplet classification of highest weight modules over quantum universal enveloping algebras: the Uq(SL(3,C)) example in Groups St Andrews 1989 vol 1 LMS LNM #159 Representations of Quantum Groups, Symmetries in Science V (Lochau 1990), 93–135, Plenum Press, NY, 1991. A chapter from Lecture Notes in Physics, 1990, Volume 370, [here][2] Dobrev-Truini [Irregular Uq(sl(3)) representations at roots of unity via Gel’fand–(Weyl)–Zetlin basis][3] Dobrev-Truini [Polynomial realization of the Uq(sl(3)) Gel’fand–(Weyl)–Zetlin basis][4] [MR1182163][5], [MR1191199][6], ...and many others. also there is a paper by [Abdesselam, Arnaudon, Chakrabarti][7] and a discussion of dimensions by Pereira [here][8] Some of the relevant material is hard to find and/or requires paying large sums of money to publishing corporations. [1]: http://theo.inrne.bas.bg/~dobrev/ [2]: http://www.springerlink.com/content/7h0t2860r175956r/ [3]: http://jmp.aip.org/resource/1/jmapaq/v38/i5/p2631_s1 [4]: http://jmp.aip.org/resource/1/jmapaq/v38/i7/p3750_s1 [5]: http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/search/publdoc.html?pg1=IID&s1=58600&vfpref=html&r=118&mx-pid=1182163 [6]: http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/search/publdoc.html?pg1=IID&s1=58600&vfpref=html&r=111&mx-pid=1191199 [7]: http://www.citebase.org/abstract?id=q-alg%2F9504006 [8]: http://www.cmat.edu.uy/~mariana/dobrev.pdf