I wonder if anyone knows a research article that uses the canonical path method (or congestion ratio) to show that a Poincare inequality holds (see the images below)
The canonical path method is a famous way of showing that the Poincare inequality holds (or the spectral gap is positive), which, in turn, implies the exponential ergodicity of the Markov chain. Here is a snapshot of the method and the relative theorem (from page 47 and 48 of Counting and Markov Chains by Mark Jerrum): enter image description here
All the references I have found regarding the canonical path method assume that the relevant Markov chains operate within a finite state space. However, as evident from the above images, I believe this method can still be applied to continuous-time Markov chains on a countable state space. Therefore, I kindly request information on any papers that have utilized the canonical path method for a continuous-time Markov chain on a countable state space