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Jeremy West
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What is the order of a in (Z/nZ)*?

I was recently thinking about efficient algorithms for modular exponentiation. This led me to the (more interesting, in my opinion) question:

Let $1 < a < n$ be an integer relatively prime to $n$. What is the order of ${\overline{a}}$ in $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}^*$ (the multiplicative group of $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$)?

I did some Google searching, but all I could find were the obvious facts that the order should divide the order of the group $\phi(n)$ and the exponent of the group $\lambda(n)$ (see Carmichael function). I asked several people if anything more could be said, but the answers were generally: "Some people study this. It is really hard." However, I couldn't find any other references.

Is this a question that has been seriously considered? If so, what is known and does anyone have any good references?

I am happy to suppose that we know a priori the prime factorization of both $a$ and $n$. Even given this information, is there something precise that can be said?

Because this is a (potentially) open problem, it is possible that it should be a community wiki page, I am not entirely certain what the policy is there. If so, someone please wiki-hammer this, as I have not the power! It might also be deserving of the open-problem tag?

Jeremy West
  • 317
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