Let $A=\frac{a}{d}, B=\frac{b}{d}, C=\frac{c}{d},$ then we get
Let $A=x+y, B=x-y, z=C^2$ then
$$2x^4+12y^2x^2+2y^4+z^2 = 2\tag{2}$$
$$y^2 = -3x^2 \pm \frac{\sqrt{32x^4+4-2z^2}}{2}\tag{3}$$
So we find the rational solutions of $(4)$.
$(4)$ can be parameterized to $(5)$ using $(z,v)=(4x^2,2)$ with $w=(k^2+2)C$.
$$w^2 = 4(k^2+2)(-2+k^2)x^2-4(k^2+2)k\tag{5}$$
Thus we must find the rational solutions of simultaneous equations $(3),(5)$.
First we get a parametric solution of $(5)$ using giving some rational number $k$.
Take $k=\frac{-9}{13}$ the we get
$$x = \frac{3}{142}\frac{28561m^2-430732-7081100m}{28561m^2+430732}$$ $$w = \frac{-1257}{11999}\frac{-10768300+173732m+714025m^2}{28561m^2+430732}$$ $$C = \frac{-3}{71}\frac{-10768300+173732m+714025m^2}{28561m^2+430732}$$
Hence $(3)$ becomes to
$$y^2 = \frac{10083247442281m^4-41255619857608m^2+2788930240200m^3+2293337020040464-42060204482400m}{20164(28561m^2+430732)^2}$$
Hence we must find the rational solutions $(m,V)$ of $(6)$
$$V^2 = 10083247442281m^4+2788930240200m^3-41255619857608m^2-42060204482400m+2293337020040464\tag{6}$$
Quartic equation $(6)$ is birationally equivalent to the elliptic curve using a known solution $(m,V)=(360/169,-47445892)$ as follows. $$Y^2 = X^3 -X^2 -1097465452, 3288951361780\tag{7}$$
Though I couldn't find the generator of elliptic curve , I got one solution $P(X,Y)=(\cfrac{-97636631990}{5536609}, \cfrac{53963430434179560}{13027640977})$.
Since $(7)$ has rank $1$, we get infinitely many solutions of $(7)$ using group law as follows.
For instance, we get a solution of $(6)$,
We get $(x,y)=(\cfrac{4317501713916820330332746705607}{16486256234272723829845043984402},\cfrac{12346241358503326020929860043561}{16486256234272723829845043984402})$
Finally, we get
$a = 4014369822293252845298556668977$
$b = 8028813922964684804294250901215$
$c = 8331871536210073175631303374584$
$d = 8243128117136361914922521992201$