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Anton Petrunin
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If curvature $\le -1$ then cut locus is is glued from the boundary of fundamental domain of $\pi_1$-action on the universal cover. If curvature $=-1$ then the fundamental domain is a convex polyhedral. The gluing maps are piecewise isometries, so the result is $(n-1)$-polyhedron, BUT it is easy to construct an action which gives arbitrary complicated link.

So the answer to the second question is "NO".

For the first question, I think the answer is "YES". I.e. there is a dense $G_\delta$-set of metrics which satisfies your condition. (Your condition is open, one can construct a metric which satisfies your condition arbitrary $C^\infty$-close to a given metric...)

Anton Petrunin
  • 45k
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