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One question on linear combinations of roots of unity

For $n \geq 1$, I want to find all solutions $x_i$ of the equation

\begin{equation} \begin{cases} x_i \in \mathbb{Z}, i=0,1,2...,n-1 \\ x_i^2 = 1, i=0,1,2...,n-1 \\ \omega = \cos(2\pi/n)+i\sin(2\pi/n) \\ z = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} x_i \omega^{i} \\ (z*\operatorname{Conj} z ) \in \mathbb{Z} \end{cases} \end{equation}

As an example, $x_i = 1, i=0,1,2...,n-1$ is one solution to this equation. And $x_i = -1, i=0,1,2...,n-1$ is another solution. For small $n$, all solutions can be found by mathematical software. Is there any good idea for bigger $n$?

Here is the computational result for small $n$:

$n$ Number of solutions $2^n$ Percentage
$1$ $2$ $2$ $100\%$
$2$ $4$ $4$ $100\%$
$3$ $8$ $8$ $100\%$
$4$ $16$ $16$ $100\%$
$5$ $12$ $32$ $37.5\%$
$6$ $64$ $64$ $100\%$
$7$ $44$ $128$ $34.375\%$
$8$ $144$ $256$ $56.25\%$
$9$ $80$ $512$ $15.625\%$
$10$ $244$ $1024$ $23.8281\%$
$11$ $68$ $2048$ $3.32031\%$
$12$ $1816$ $4096$ $44.3359\%$
$13$ $132$ $8192$ $1.61132\%$
$14$ $2020$ $16384$ $12.3291\%$
$15$ $1628$ $32768$ $4.96826\%$
$16$ $4480$ $65536$ $6.83593\%$
$17$ $36$ $131072$ $0.02746\%$
$18$ $17200$ $262144$ $6.56127\%$
$19$ $116$ $524288$ $0.02212\%$
$20$ $33416$ $1048576$ $3.18679\%$
$21$ $6644$ $2097152$ $0.31681\%$
$22$ $30364$ $4194304$ $0.72393\%$
$23$ $140$ $8388608$ $0.00166\%$
$24$ $530512$ $16777216$ $3.16209\%$
$25$ $832$ $33554432$ $0.00247\%$
$26$ $173164$ $67108864$ $0.25803\%$
$27$ $14336$ $134217728$ $0.01068\%$
$28$ $673024$ $268435456$ $0.25072\%$
$29$ $60$ $536870912$ $0.00001\%$
$30$ $12263284$ $1073741824$ $1.14210\%$

Here is the further detail, the prime number related patterns are quite obvious.

$n$ $z*Conj(z)$ Number of solutions
$1$ $1$ $2$
$2$ $0$ $2$
$2$ $4$ $2$
$3$ $0$ $2$
$3$ $4$ $6$
$4$ $0$ $4$
$4$ $4$ $8$
$4$ $8$ $4$
$5$ $0$ $2$
$5$ $4$ $10$
$6$ $0$ $10$
$6$ $4$ $36$
$6$ $12$ $12$
$6$ $16$ $6$
$7$ $0$ $2$
$7$ $4$ $14$
$7$ $8$ $28$
$8$ $0$ $16$
$8$ $4$ $64$
$8$ $8$ $32$
$8$ $12$ $32$
$9$ $0$ $8$
$9$ $4$ $72$
$10$ $0$ $34$
$10$ $4$ $180$
$10$ $16$ $10$
$10$ $20$ $20$
$11$ $0$ $2$
$11$ $4$ $22$
$11$ $12$ $44$
$12$ $0$ $100$
$12$ $4$ $720$
$12$ $8$ $432$
$12$ $12$ $240$
$12$ $16$ $120$
$12$ $20$ $144$
$12$ $24$ $48$
$12$ $32$ $12$
$13$ $0$ $2$
$13$ $4$ $26$
$13$ $12$ $104$
$14$ $0$ $130$
$14$ $4$ $924$
$14$ $8$ $672$
$14$ $16$ $238$
$14$ $28$ $28$
$14$ $32$ $28$
$15$ $0$ $38$
$15$ $4$ $600$
$15$ $8$ $600$
$15$ $12$ $60$
$15$ $16$ $210$
$15$ $20$ $60$
$15$ $24$ $60$
$16$ $0$ $256$
$16$ $4$ $2048$
$16$ $8$ $1024$
$16$ $12$ $1024$
$16$ $28$ $128$
$17$ $0$ $2$
$17$ $4$ $34$
$18$ $0$ $1000$
$18$ $4$ $10800$
$18$ $12$ $3600$
$18$ $16$ $1800$
$19$ $0$ $2$
$19$ $4$ $38$
$19$ $20$ $76$
$20$ $0$ $1156$
$20$ $4$ $12240$
$20$ $8$ $6480$
$20$ $12$ $5760$
$20$ $16$ $680$
$20$ $20$ $4640$
$20$ $24$ $1440$
$20$ $28$ $640$
$20$ $32$ $20$
$20$ $36$ $80$
$20$ $40$ $240$
$20$ $48$ $40$
$21$ $0$ $134$
$21$ $4$ $2856$
$21$ $8$ $2184$
$21$ $12$ $84$
$21$ $16$ $714$
$21$ $24$ $168$
$21$ $28$ $420$
$21$ $32$ $84$
$22$ $0$ $2050$
$22$ $4$ $22572$
$22$ $12$ $4224$
$22$ $16$ $22$
$22$ $20$ $1408$
$22$ $44$ $44$
$22$ $48$ $44$
$23$ $0$ $2$
$23$ $4$ $46$
$23$ $24$ $92$
$24$ $0$ $10000$
$24$ $4$ $144000$
$24$ $8$ $86400$
$24$ $12$ $151680$
$24$ $16$ $24000$
$24$ $20$ $63360$
$24$ $24$ $26880$
$24$ $28$ $11520$
$24$ $32$ $2400$
$24$ $36$ $6720$
$24$ $40$ $1920$
$24$ $44$ $960$
$24$ $48$ $480$
$24$ $60$ $192$
$25$ $0$ $32$
$25$ $4$ $800$
$26$ $0$ $8194$
$26$ $4$ $106548$
$26$ $12$ $54912$
$26$ $16$ $26$
$26$ $36$ $3328$
$26$ $48$ $104$
$26$ $52$ $52$
$27$ $0$ $512$
$27$ $4$ $13824$
$28$ $0$ $16900$
$28$ $4$ $240240$
$28$ $8$ $296688$
$28$ $16$ $94136$
$28$ $20$ $3696$
$28$ $28$ $7280$
$28$ $32$ $10892$
$28$ $40$ $2688$
$28$ $52$ $336$
$28$ $56$ $112$
$28$ $64$ $56$
$29$ $0$ $2$
$29$ $4$ $58$
$30$ $0$ $146854$
$30$ $4$ $2856780$
$30$ $8$ $3657600$
$30$ $12$ $1151400$
$30$ $16$ $2268360$
$30$ $20$ $528600$
$30$ $24$ $675840$
$30$ $28$ $240480$
$30$ $32$ $447480$
$30$ $36$ $40980$
$30$ $40$ $92160$
$30$ $44$ $72000$
$30$ $48$ $38460$
$30$ $52$ $1080$
$30$ $56$ $28800$
$30$ $60$ $5160$
$30$ $64$ $7410$
$30$ $68$ $120$
$30$ $72$ $1920$
$30$ $76$ $1320$
$30$ $80$ $300$
$30$ $92$ $120$
$30$ $96$ $60$
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