*Throughout this question, I'm working in "$V=L$". So when I say "large cardinal," I mean "**small** large cardinal".*

Informally, I want to ask: How much of the "$L$-theory" of a cardinal does a large cardinal property imply? That is, if I know that $\alpha$ and $\beta$ both have some large cardinal property $(*)$, what sorts of (not necessarily first-order) sentences do I know that $L_\alpha$ and $L_\beta$ agree about?

Formally, fix an ordinal $\gamma$. Say that a large cardinal property $(*)$ is "$\gamma$-decisive" if whenever $\alpha, \beta$ have property $(*)$, we have $$L_{\alpha+\gamma}\equiv L_{\beta+\gamma}.$$ My question is:

> What are some examples of $\gamma$-decisive large cardinal properties?

(CAVEAT: Obviously *any* large cardinal property can be arbitrarily decisive: suppose it has no instances, or exactly one! So really I want to know about large cardinal properties whose decisiveness can be *proved* in ZFC+V=L, or some strengthening thereof that does not limit the number of relevant large cardinals.)

Note that decisiveness looks a lot (at least to me) like indescribability; however, indescribability doesn't quite seem to do the job, unless I'm missing something.


I'm also interested in decisiveness *with parameters* - e.g. for a finite tuple of sets $\overline{c}\in L$, say that a large cardinal property $(*)$ is $\gamma$-decisive over $\overline{c}$ if whenever $\alpha,\beta$ have property $(*)$ with $\overline{c}\in L_\alpha\cap L_\beta$, we have $$(L_\alpha, \overline{c})\equiv(L_\beta,\overline{c}).$$ But understanding the parameter-free version should come first, and besides, I imagine the situations aren't too different. 

By contrast, something potentially interesting happens if we allow, not tuples of *elements of $L$*, but tuples $\overline{C}$ of *subsets of $L$* which are in $V$ but not necessarily $L$ - coded as unary predicates, of course. A really overkill example of this would be the $0^\#$ as a unary predicate, but already tamer examples could be interesting. For instance, suppose $\overline{C}$ is a finite sequence of mutually Cohen reals over $L$ - then what are some $\gamma$-decisive *over $\overline{C}$* large cardinal properties? But this question seems much broader, and much harder, so I'll merely mention it as a curiosity.