This seems to be a question about holomorphicity of diffeomorphisms in a given complex structure. Replace your covering map $E \to B$ by its Galois closure (= frame bundle) $X \to B$. Now by construction $X \to B$ is a covering space which is Galois with Galois group $G$ (= groups of self bijections of a fixed fiber of $E \to B$). Since $X \to B$ factors through $E$, every complex structure on $E$ will induce a complex structure on $X$, and a complex structure on $B$ makes $X \to B$ holomorphic if and only if it makes $X \to B$ holomorphic. But the later question is just the question of whether all elements of $G$ which act as diffeomorphisms of $X$ will preserve the complex structure. Some of them preserve it automatically, e.g. the elements of the subgroup $H \subset G$ for which $E = X/H$. But for the rest it is an actual condition. If all those diffeomorphisms preserve your complex structure, then the quotient exists as a complex manifold. If one of them doesn't, then your are out of luck. 

I don't think you can get more concrete obstructions.