This critical value is $\alpha_0 \approx 1.3056867$ ... For $\alpha > \alpha_0$ the series converges, for $\alpha < \alpha_0$ it diverges.  

Before the inexpensive computer, it was difficult to tell whether the critical value is ${}> 1$ or not.

> Boyd, David W.
The sequence of radii of the Apollonian packing. 
Math. Comp. 39 (1982), no. 159, 249–254.


mentioned in the comments... arbitrarily packed disks, not necessarily touching as in Apollonian packings.  The critical value (= dimension of the residual set) is shown to be ${}> 1.02$.

>Larman, D. G.
On the Besicovitch dimension of the residual set of arbitrarily packed disks in the plane. 
J. London Math. Soc. 42 1967 292–302.